Christmas is a magical moment that brings happiness, many festivities among friends, family, and co-workers…
Come one! Come All! ICS Stepped Right up for their 2016 Annual Carnival Fundraiser!

ICS was decked out in all things carnival on March 1, 2016 when the preschool put on its annual school carnival fundraiser. This year the Parent’s club worked very hard to make the carnival bigger, better and brighter than ever. They began by decorating the hallways with beautiful ribbons and brightly colored poms poms. Hand drawn posters lined the tables letting all the parents and children know what fun was store for them: raffles, games, and dancing too. But the best carnival decorations were made by the students themselves. Their amazingly cute artwork lined the hallways of the preschool for all their parents to see. Class projects were displayed as well, including a vintage style picture made by Ms.Cary and Ms.Jorgelina’s Yellow Room class. The only thing better than the artwork display was the excitement on the faces of the students as they each led their parents to their masterpieces. All the parents were very impressed by the work of their talented little Picassos.
While the children participated in activities like the ring toss and sack races, the parents also got to “play” at the vendor’s’ market and at the silent auction table. The vendor’s market was a new addition to the carnival this year and it was a huge success. Parents were able to purchase items like handwoven purses from Madagascar and even deliciously flavored organic jams handcrafted by Gables Delight. ICS’ own Ms. Maru from the Rainbow room also had a table displaying her stylish, one of a kind jewelry creations.
What’s a good carnival without great food? This year, tummies rejoiced as the Crepe Maker took carnival food to a whole other level of yumminess, serving up a variety of dinner and dessert style crepes. Kids also enjoyed mini bags of popcorn and cold fruit juice boxes. The preschool carnival came to a close in the traditional ICS way which is by having all the teachers dance a silly song together. Children and parents joined in for the fun, ending this incredible fundraising event on an overwhelmingly high note. The carnival met its fundraising goals, raising enough money to purchase our next courtyard playset. Congratulations to the Parent’s Club for putting on such a wonderful event. We are already looking forward to ICS Carnival 2017!