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3 Tips To Help You Find The Best Kindergarten For Your Child
When it comes to finding the right kindergarten for your child, you can’t be too careful. Due diligence is undoubtedly required when seeking out proper educational institutions — on any given day, more than five million American youngsters attend some prekindergarten program, and a well-paved educational path can lead to countless open doors in the future. Here are just a few tips to help you find the right kindergarten for your child.
1. Compare Numbers
First, start by comparing relevant stats about each school you’re considering. For example, examining student-teacher ratio can provide much-needed insight regarding just how much attention instructors will be able to give each student. The larger the ratio, the less one-on-one time. About 36% of private schools averaged student-teacher ratios of 10:1 or lower, compared to 10% for public schools.
During this part of your evaluation, make sure to request information about student teachers and other teacher’s aides. Specifically, how much involvement and what type. Do they teach full lessons, focus on individuals, or assist students with learning disabilities? Finding out these subtle details may help you make your decision in the end.
2. Determine Unique Strengths
Many schools, whether public or private, have a certain area of expertise in which their students excel more than others. Some schools have great athletics programs, some have notable arts programs, and some have spectacular STEM programs. This shouldn’t necessarily be the deciding factor for choosing your child’s Coral Gables kindergarten, but it can serve as a good indication of where the school has a bigger budget.
3. Take A Visit
Finally, the best way to get the feel for any particular school is simply to make a visit yourself. Don’t be shy; most school staff members and personnel are happy to schedule an appointment for you to tour a classroom as well as other areas of the school. If the school you’re considering seems unopen to visitors, take caution.
Ultimately, choosing the right kindergarten for your child is the key to setting them on the path to positive education for life. For more information about kindergarten or preschool in Coral Gables, contact International Children’s School.