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Preschool Programs Make Kids Reading Skills Stronger

preschool program

As a parent, you want to give your child the best start in life. Research shows that a high-quality preschool program is one of the best things you can do to set them up for success. Preschool builds crucial early literacy skills that pay off for years to come. Here’s how preschool programs make reading skills stronger.

Develops Letter and Word Recognition

A strong program introduces letter names, shapes, and sounds in a fun way through songs, games, and activities. Children learn to recognize letters and match them to sounds. They also start building awareness of basic words. These are the building blocks for developing reading skills. Little ones who attend at least two years of preschool tend to have stronger letter and word recognition abilities when they enter kindergarten. According to Brightly, children who go to at least 2 years of preschool are more likely to do well in their education journey later.

Expands Vocabulary

Reading comprehension depends heavily on vocabulary. The more words a child knows, the easier it is for them to understand text. Preschool teachers deliberately expand students’ vocabularies by introducing new words in engaging contexts. Labels around the classroom, circle time discussions, storytime, and show-and-tell all expose children to diverse languages. This vocabulary boost pays off when they start sounding out and making sense of words on the page.

Develops Listening Skills

Before children can read, they need strong listening abilities. Listening to stories read aloud, participating in group discussions, and following multi-step directions in preschool all improve focus and auditory comprehension. Students learn how to tune into verbal language and retain information. These fundamental listening skills then transfer over to making meaning from text once reading begins. The social nature of preschool also builds crucial soft skills like sitting still, taking turns, and paying attention that allow children to thrive in classrooms. All parents want to see their child confidently raise their hand, focus on the teacher, and work well with others. These programs get children off to the right start.

If you want to set your child up for reading proficiency, quality preschool is key. Early exposure to letters, words, vocabulary, and listening builds literacy abilities that form the foundation for achieving reading milestones. So consider enrolling your child in a preschool program as early as possible for maximum benefits. Visit ICS Coral Gables today to learn about the programs we have to offer.